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The Nountaineer |
John 8:31-32“[Dispute Over Whose Children Jesus’ Opponents Are] To the Jews who had believed him, Jesus said, “If you hold to my teaching, you are really my disciples. Then you will know the truth, and the truth will set you free.”” Brought to you by BibleGateway.com. Copyright (C) . All Rights Reserved. |
1 John 4:20-21“Whoever claims to love God yet hates a brother or sister is a liar. For whoever does not love their brother and sister, whom they have seen, cannot love God, whom they have not seen. And he has given us this command: Anyone who loves God must also love their brother and sister.” Brought to you by BibleGateway.com. Copyright (C) . All Rights Reserved. |
The first year was the most exciting and perhaps one of the most frustrating years of the 10 years of life in the National Forest. Despite the miraculous events that led me up there and the wonderful and miraculous events that happened after my arrival, the first year was filled with my faithful searching for the purpose for me being up there. I worked myself harder than any Earthly employer could ever motivate me to work especially since I was plagued with pain and suffering and not just physical. Toward the end of the first year I had searched for everything that I could think of and was convinced that there was no gold in the streambed so placer mining was eliminated at least for gold and silver. The hard dry dirt on the hill sides was incredibly difficult to dig in and I was worn out. I pleaded for The Lord to direct me and he finally did in a very unexpected way. The weather was warm one cloudless afternoon. I had been resting and reading the Bible and at about 5pm I stopped and decided to walk out of my trailer and when I did and looked up I saw another “Sign”. “Within the canyon”, I saw above me a cloud that was in the shape of the right hand of “God”. Again, this was a cloudless day. I also had these little sparkles flying around in front of my eyes. I had no idea what the sparkles represented but I suspect that it is the stuff that “Angels” are made of. While I was staring at this hand shaped cloud another small cloud came out of nowhere and quickly impacted the hand at the wrist. This hand was pointing across the canyon from my camp area at a particular outcrop of ground. After some serious thought I decided that It meant that I was to impact or ‘Dig” where the “hand” was pointing so I did just that. I had previously learned that I was to look for soft areas that for one reason were easier to dig in and were more likely to be mineralized ground. I started digging along a “Fault Line” as it turned out which is a good starting point. I eventually dug about 25 feet into the side of the canyon. It took a few years of off and on digging before the soft and fractured dirt and rock became too hard to tunnel into by hand with a pick and shovel and hammer and chisel. Over time, the outer fractured rock shifts downward etc. so it was necessary to go in as far as I could to determine the “Strike” or direction of the fault and mineralized zone. After I made that determination, I followed the strike direction up the side of the canyon and found a rich out crop of “Silver”. Unfortunately the silver is in a form that has to be “Smelted” so I can not just fill up buckets and go and sell it. I have to wait until I can mine it on a larger scale and ship it to a smelter.
There were other unusual sightings and happenings that are a little more difficult to describe. During the first year, I had some “Dreams” that were very incredible and are still yet to be unveiled. One of these dreams leads me to believe that the “Double Signs and Wonders” part of the original “Prophetic Vision” is still yet to be revealed. The “Double” aspect reminds me of Elisha’s request that He would be given a double portion of the “Spirit” that Elijah had been given by “The Lord”. The most incredible dream had me standing at the edge of my camp at night. It was about 15 to 20 feet from that point down to the streambed. I was standing and watching a “blue column of energy” that was horizontal to and just above the streambed. This blue column of energy was vaporizing a tunnel through the bedrock that is below the camp area where I was standing. I had previously found a mineralized vein structure on the opposite side of the canyon from my other silver discovery. This vein structure did not have much value at the surface. After this dream I realized that the vaporized tunnel in my dream was heading directly toward this other mineralized vein structure which gives me hope that it has rich ore at a deeper level. Another very unusual dream had me in a factory setting where I had just been hired. My supervisor or employer and I were walking down a hallway toward a work area when I was given my job description. I was told that I was to “Talk and Make Circumference”. This also gave me much to consider. I assume the “Talk” means that I am to share what The Lord is doing in my life and the “Make Circumference” means that I am to keep going around in “circles” until I am directed to do something different and I am still waiting!
My life continued with the normal hardships associated with such a commitment until one day, out of frustration I asked the Lord “Where is It”? Then I again heard the “Still Small voice of The Lord” say: “You Have Already Found It”! I had been searching for something that I could sell and provide at least a small income to sustain myself and up until that point , I still had not found what I had been looking for, an income so when I heard The Lord say this a great anger welled up inside me because if I had already found that which The Lord wanted me to find, It did not include something that I could “Sell”. Eight and a half years of great hardship had passed without that which I could truly call “Success”. It was a terrible disappointment so I asked the Lord: what do you mean by “You have already found it”? I was very angry when I asked this and He didn’t answer. This left me with a great dilemma. What do I do now? Since the original “Leading” was for “Gold and Silver” and I had only found “Silver” I started looking for gold in another area that I had previously found a small amount of this elusive metal. I had also applied for Social Security with the help of “Legal Aid” knowing that I needed a regular income. I had gone for many years without government help but after my weight dropped to a point that I had not sustained since I was a teenager, it was now unavoidable. Because of my faith and trust in God I was not willing to steal or commit other dishonest acts.
I found a well near the area where I had previously found a little gold so I started working on building a gasoline powered pump. A man in town had his own machine shop and was willing to help me convert an old electric well pump into a gasoline powered one. I eventually scavenged an old engine that was repairable and had the pump that I needed. The most difficult part of extracting gold in desert regions is the necessity of and difficulty finding water to process the dirt and extract the gold. I also needed water for everyday uses as well. It was in this area that I spent the majority of the remaining time prior to finally being accepted into the Social Security program known as “SSI” which is the smallest income that Social Security pays out! I found out later that it is necessary to file for “Disability” within 7 years from the time that you become “disabled” to qualify for “SSDI” which pays much more than “SSI”. I simply waited too long! The whole process including appeals takes a couple of years to finally get approved and get your first check. I worked in that area processing small amounts of gold until the back breaking work that is required was just too much while receiving too little for my efforts! My best day provided about $10. of gold and then it would be necessary to be flat on my back for days to recover from the damage to myself that it caused.
I eventually hooked up with a man who was trying to run a rock shop and I was allowed to stay there in exchange for my help. I had to learn to repair lawn mowers, washers, dryers and just about anything else that I was asked to do to earn a little spending money. I had previously been trained at a Community College in a “conditioned air program “ which gave me the background necessary to become a heating and refrigeration mechanic. I was able to take the diagnostic training and general ability and apply these to other areas of repair work. Refrigeration work can be heavy and even back breaking work when working on rooftop units. This is the type of work that I did previously. I was eventually able to start receiving a regular “SSI” check which was a lifesaver that enabled me to rent a shack like structure in town to live in. After all those years in a small travel trailer, moving into a shack was a welcomed improvement. I was paid from the time that I first applied for Social Security which meant that my first check was a fairly large amount of money. It was enough to purchase a well used Skid Steer Loader. It was like a “Bobcat Loader” except a different brand that I preferred. I wanted something that I could eventually use in a small mining operation. I continued to save my extra money until I could find a newer version which I now have and am waiting to put into operation mining my discoveries.
I will add more as The Lord leads me!
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