,1 Peter 1:15-16“But just as he who called you is holy, so be holy in all you do; for it is written: “Be holy, because I am holy.”” Brought to you by BibleGateway.com. Copyright (C) . All Rights Reserved. |
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Isaiah 1:16-17“Wash and make yourselves clean. Take your evil deeds out of my sight; stop doing wrong. Learn to do right; seek justice. Defend the oppressed. Take up the cause of the fatherless; plead the case of the widow.” Brought to you by BibleGateway.com. Copyright (C) . All Rights Reserved. |
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This is my attempt to share the very unusual life occurrences that The GOD of our universe has so graciously allowed me to experience, even great pain! I will also try to share what HE has taught me through my pain and study of HIM.
After years of great hardship, both physically and psychologically, The Lord stepped into my life by sending an elderly man who I had just met a couple of days earlier. It was in the evening at a van customizing shop that virtually had no business and an owner who preferred to develop his country western band instead of his business. This was his uncle. I manned the office in exchange for a place to plug-in my camper van and a place to sleep. His uncle presented himself with the exclamation that he had just had a "vision" about me personally. Even though I had been a believer in The LORD since I was 6 years old, I had not become grounded in the teachings of the Bible therefore I was quite untaught at that time. Life had been too intense and I had not found anyone to mentor me from a Biblical point of view. This elderly man said that this, as well as previous visions that he had received included colors similar to a stop light, red, yellow and green which told him whether or not to share the vision. His vision about me was green which told him to share it with me. It simply consisted of three numbers, 7, 9, and 18, as I recall. He also gave to me 3 airline tickets that were for a flight that was departing in a day or two. God had basically given one of the members of his group of 3 people heart problems so that they could not fly back to Baltimore leaving them with the second half of three round trip tickets. I had to make a decision to trust God with this because it was around the holidays and the destination was Baltimore from Tucson and I was broke except for 8 dollars. I prayed about it and then on the next afternoon, I was on my way even though there were blizzard conditions in the Northeast USA and I would be hitch-hiking back. Thankfully, the plane landed at the Dallas / Fort Worth airport for a brief layover. I decided that it would be best for me to start hitch-hiking back from there.
This was the beginning of my choice to start trusting my LORD and Savior in a big way. I did not really have many other choices available and it was time for me to start to follow Him where-ever he led me by faith! IT was because of this major choice that made me become a major target for the adversary (Satan) and he has been relentless except for periods where he tried to get me to let my guard down. My thirst to study the Bible has been ever increasing since then! Great pain and suffering has had a way of forcing me to focus on Him as well. It has been this great increase in Bible study that has helped me to understand that all of these spiritual encounters were directly related to "Spiritual Gifts" that The LORD has given to me and in particular "Spiritual Discernment". I have seen spirits without human bodies and have learned to recognized those people who are controlled or have allowed themselves to become influenced in a variety of ways. There are certain traits or characteristics that I will notice after getting to know a particular person. The Devil and his minions are very deceptive so a person and especially someone who is a "believer" needs to be very careful who they allow into their lives.
There are a number of other "Gifts" that are enumerated in the New Testament. These can be found in 1st Corinthians chapters 12 and 14, 1st Peter chapter 4 and Ephesians Chapter 4. and of course the book of Acts. You can glean other information about the working of the Holy Spirit throughout the bible. It is the Holy Spirit who primarily works within us and "Gifts" us as he sees fit for the edification of the Body of Christ.
I am not prepared at this time to delve into the other "Gifts" in detail because there is still much discussion and many differences in opinion concerning which gifts are still active today and even whether we can have more than one spiritual gift per person. There is one thing that I do know from personal experience and that concerns "tongues". There are "Cults" who specialize in tongues as well as the Occult and this is straight from Satan who's people also do this kind of "babble" which is dangerously deceptive. Mediums or those in the "New Age Movement” dabble with the spirit world in ways that are not at all New”, but actually have rehashed those same occultists traditions including contacting the dead, or so they think! If any true spiritual contact is made, it is made with demons who masquerade as deceased souls! People such as Shirley McLane have their “spirit guides” who do a variety of things such as perform tasks like possibly to try to manipulate an adversary for them. My ex-neighbor bragged to me about how her spirit guide caused her employer to change his attitude toward her because she expected to be fired soon. This woman was very deceitful and also pretended to be a Christian and said that she was saved at a Benny Hinn healing service or what ever he called what he did. ABC had done an investigative report on Benny Hinn and followed up on those who were so-called divinely healed. It is my understanding that ABC exposed him as a fraud. This woman was a deceiver and had previously admitted to being neurotic and proved to be even worse than that.
There are many in the "Church" that are planted by Satan. They are known as "Tares" or false believers who pretend to be "Saved" but are not! To be fair, they may very well believe that they are true Christians but do not understand what is truly necessary for their salvation to take place.They lack the true humility and willingness to admit that their condition is hopeless apart from the Great Work that Christ accomplished on the cross, dying a horrible death as the final sacrifice for our sins and the sins of the whole world. Our works are like filthy rags in the sight of God for we are sinful and no good thing can be presented before The Lord of all creation because we and our so called good works are defiled because we are sinful. Read the prophet Isaiah to confirm these things.
Additional Information
Feel free to guess what my little friend is and where it can be found. Feel free to ask questions about me, if you like, as long as they are not too personal. I invite questions about The LORD and supernatural events in my life as well as your own. I am not in to chatting but new friends are welcome to introduce themselves and I may reply. While you are waiting for posts, you might go here: http://http://creationconceptsfromdavey.blogspot.com.blogspot.com http://davebrigg.wordpress.com http://simplysupernaturalistic.wordpress.com http://dvbrgg.blogspot.com
Identify Me
This is my attempt to share the very unusual life occurrences that The GOD of our universe has so graciously allowed me to experience, even great pain! I will also try to share what HE has taught me through my pain and study of HIM.
Through years of intense study on my own as well as with some of the best Bible teachers available online as well as over the radio, I have come to the stark realization that I have been "Spiritually Gifted" with the "Gift" of "Spiritual Discernment" which is more properly called "Discerning Of Spirits". It is the only way to explain all of the spiritual/supernatural things that I have seen including demons and the Devil himself. I do not seek to have these experiences but I now know that The LORD has allowed these events or realizations, for the lack of a better way of describing what has happened to me, to prepare me for a great task that He has already begun. I am still only beginning to understand what that task is. After decades of spiritual oppression with Satanic attacks through wicked people, in my dreams and in ways that I still do not fully comprehend, GOD has been preparing me for an even greater battle ahead. The LORD has also made great promises to me many years ago, otherwise I would not have had the strength to continue with the great suffering and mind boggling events that I have endured. I am a great threat to the Adversary who is the Devil otherwise he would not be so interested in harming me. This has encompassed the first half of my life to toughen me up for the later stages in my life.
The later stages began at the age of 30 in a very unusual way. It has been an even more challenging set of circumstances than the first half of my life and even harder to describe, although I will try my best to inspire you to believe even unto "Eternal Salvation" if at all possible.
“The Body of Christ” has many parts similar to the human body and and to a certain degree “Spiritual Gifts” correspond to the parts of the body such as the head for example, has two eyes, two ears, a mouth, nose and the nose has two nasal passages. I can not say how far this comparison is extended to the various gifts but we at least have more visible gifts such as the eyes for seeing. Therefore we have outward gifts such as the eyes and inward gifts that are not visible but are every bit as important as the visible gifts when it comes to sustaining the body. An example of an inward or inner gift might be compared to the liver which works quietly yet the body can not operate without it! I have a type of “Spiritual Sight” that needs to work in conjunction with the rest of the”Body of Christ”
After years of great hardship, both physically and psychologically, The Lord stepped into my life by sending an elderly man who I had just met a couple of days earlier. It was in the evening at a van customizing shop that virtually had no business and an owner who preferred to develop his country western band instead of his business. This was his uncle. I manned the office in exchange for a place to plug-in my camper van and a place to sleep. His uncle presented himself with the exclamation that he had just had a "vision" about me personally. Even though I had been a believer in The LORD since I was 6 years old, I had not become grounded in the teachings of the Bible therefore I was quite untaught at that time. Life had been too intense and I had not found anyone to mentor me from a Biblical point of view. This elderly man said that this, as well as previous visions that he had received included colors similar to a stop light, red, yellow and green which told him whether or not to share the vision. His vision about me was green which told him to share it with me. It simply consisted of three numbers, 7, 9, and 18, as I recall. He also gave to me 3 airline tickets that were for a flight that was departing in a day or two. God had basically given one of the members of his group of 3 people heart problems so that they could not fly back to Baltimore leaving them with the second half of three round trip tickets. I had to make a decision to trust God with this because it was around the holidays and the destination was Baltimore from Tucson and I was broke except for 8 dollars. I prayed about it and then on the next afternoon, I was on my way even though there were blizzard conditions in the Northeast USA and I would be hitch-hiking back. Thankfully, the plane landed at the Dallas / Fort Worth airport for a brief layover. I decided that it would be best for me to start hitch-hiking back from there.
This was the beginning of my choice to start trusting my LORD and Savior in a big way. I did not really have many other choices available and it was time for me to start to follow Him where-ever he led me by faith! IT was because of this major choice that made me become a major target for the adversary (Satan) and he has been relentless except for periods where he tried to get me to let my guard down. My thirst to study the Bible has been ever increasing since then! Great pain and suffering has had a way of forcing me to focus on Him as well. It has been this great increase in Bible study that has helped me to understand that all of these spiritual encounters were directly related to "Spiritual Gifts" that The LORD has given to me and in particular "Spiritual Discernment". I have seen spirits without human bodies and have learned to recognized those people who are controlled or have allowed themselves to become influenced in a variety of ways. There are certain traits or characteristics that I will notice after getting to know a particular person. The Devil and his minions are very deceptive so a person and especially someone who is a "believer" needs to be very careful who they allow into their lives.
There are a number of other "Gifts" that are enumerated in the New Testament. These can be found in 1st Corinthians chapters 12 and 14, 1st Peter chapter 4 and Ephesians Chapter 4. and of course the book of Acts. You can glean other information about the working of the Holy Spirit throughout the bible. It is the Holy Spirit who primarily works within us and "Gifts" us as he sees fit for the edification of the Body of Christ.
I am not prepared at this time to delve into the other "Gifts" in detail because there is still much discussion and many differences in opinion concerning which gifts are still active today and even whether we can have more than one spiritual gift per person. There is one thing that I do know from personal experience and that concerns "tongues". There are "Cults" who specialize in tongues as well as the Occult and this is straight from Satan who's people also do this kind of "babble" which is dangerously deceptive. Mediums or those in the "New Age Movement” dabble with the spirit world in ways that are not at all New”, but actually have rehashed those same occultists traditions including contacting the dead, or so they think! If any true spiritual contact is made, it is made with demons who masquerade as deceased souls! People such as Shirley McLane have their “spirit guides” who do a variety of things such as perform tasks like possibly to try to manipulate an adversary for them. My ex-neighbor bragged to me about how her spirit guide caused her employer to change his attitude toward her because she expected to be fired soon. This woman was very deceitful and also pretended to be a Christian and said that she was saved at a Benny Hinn healing service or what ever he called what he did. ABC had done an investigative report on Benny Hinn and followed up on those who were so-called divinely healed. It is my understanding that ABC exposed him as a fraud. This woman was a deceiver and had previously admitted to being neurotic and proved to be even worse than that.
There are many in the "Church" that are planted by Satan. They are known as "Tares" or false believers who pretend to be "Saved" but are not! To be fair, they may very well believe that they are true Christians but do not understand what is truly necessary for their salvation to take place.They lack the true humility and willingness to admit that their condition is hopeless apart from the Great Work that Christ accomplished on the cross, dying a horrible death as the final sacrifice for our sins and the sins of the whole world. Our works are like filthy rags in the sight of God for we are sinful and no good thing can be presented before The Lord of all creation because we and our so called good works are defiled because we are sinful. Read the prophet Isaiah to confirm these things.
Additional Information
Feel free to guess what my little friend is and where it can be found. Feel free to ask questions about me, if you like, as long as they are not too personal. I invite questions about The LORD and supernatural events in my life as well as your own. I am not in to chatting but new friends are welcome to introduce themselves and I may reply. While you are waiting for posts, you might go here: http://http://creationconceptsfromdavey.blogspot.com.blogspot.com http://davebrigg.wordpress.com http://simplysupernaturalistic.wordpress.com http://dvbrgg.blogspot.com
One of my friends

About Me
- Davey
- Arizona, United States
- I am amazed by all of God's Creation but dismayed by all of the evil that has corrupted it ! I have seen God's hand at work in my life and because I am actively seeking His will, I am also a target for Satan's attacks and have been attacked for decades! I am willing to share as much as I can to those who are honestly seeking the Truth
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