Friday, January 28

The Heavens Declare The Glory Of God, Even If NASA Refuses to Recognize It !!!

The Hubble Telescope has just found a candidate for the oldest and furthest away galaxy, they think, because it has not been fully confirmed. The previous record holder was thought to be 480 million years after the so called :big bang". This galaxy find is estimated to be 150 million years older than the other galaxy. This new find is estimated to be 13.2 billion years old as compared to the estimated 13.7 billion years, age of the universe itself. These seem to be part of an educated guess system, that can never be proven but it gives these egg heads something to do to earn their huge salaries. Never the less, it is an interesting find as long as it does not turn out to be some kind of cosmic belch left behind after their so-called theory of the big bang. Based on this theoretically unproven guess as to the origination of "The Creation" of the universe itself, their scientific papers that they publish do at times make for interesting fictional reading.
The image was not made available through the normal NASA Image release process because the image was not much to look at, as I discovered when I did a follow -up on their Hubble main page.
By : The Nountaineer

Friday, January 14

The Working of The Holy Spirit Today (Part 3) © 2009 D.D.B.

The Nountaineer

John 8:31-32“[Dispute Over Whose Children Jesus’ Opponents Are] To the Jews who had believed him, Jesus said, “If you hold to my teaching, you are really my disciples. Then you will know the truth, and the truth will set you free.””

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1 John 4:20-21“Whoever claims to love God yet hates a brother or sister is a liar. For whoever does not love their brother and sister, whom they have seen, cannot love God, whom they have not seen. And he has given us this command: Anyone who loves God must also love their brother and sister.”

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The first year was the most exciting and perhaps one of the most frustrating years of the 10 years of life in the National Forest. Despite the miraculous events that led me up there and the wonderful and miraculous events that happened after my arrival, the first year was filled with my faithful searching for the purpose for me being up there. I worked myself harder than any Earthly employer could ever motivate me to work especially since I was plagued with pain and suffering and not just physical. Toward the end of the first year I had searched for everything that I could think of and was convinced that there was no gold in the streambed so placer mining was eliminated at least for gold and silver. The hard dry dirt on the hill sides was incredibly difficult to dig in and I was worn out. I pleaded for The Lord to direct me and he finally did in a very unexpected way. The weather was warm one cloudless afternoon. I had been resting and reading the Bible and at about 5pm I stopped and decided to walk out of my trailer and when I did and looked up I saw another “Sign”. “Within the canyon”, I saw above me a cloud that was in the shape of the right hand of “God”. Again, this was a cloudless day. I also had these little sparkles flying around in front of my eyes. I had no idea what the sparkles represented but I suspect that it is the stuff that “Angels” are made of. While I was staring at this hand shaped cloud another small cloud came out of nowhere and quickly impacted the hand at the wrist. This hand was pointing across the canyon from my camp area at a particular outcrop of ground. After some serious thought I decided that It meant that I was to impact or ‘Dig” where the “hand” was pointing so I did just that. I had previously learned that I was to look for soft areas that for one reason were easier to dig in and were more likely to be mineralized ground. I started digging along a “Fault Line” as it turned out which is a good starting point. I eventually dug about 25 feet into the side of the canyon. It took a few years of off and on digging before the soft and fractured dirt and rock became too hard to tunnel into by hand with a pick and shovel and hammer and chisel. Over time, the outer fractured rock shifts downward etc. so it was necessary to go in as far as I could to determine the “Strike” or direction of the fault and mineralized zone. After I made that determination, I followed the strike direction up the side of the canyon and found a rich out crop of “Silver”. Unfortunately the silver is in a form that has to be “Smelted” so I can not just fill up buckets and go and sell it. I have to wait until I can mine it on a larger scale and ship it to a smelter.
There were other unusual sightings and happenings that are a little more difficult to describe. During the first year, I had some “Dreams” that were very incredible and are still yet to be unveiled. One of these dreams leads me to believe that the “Double Signs and Wonders” part of the original “Prophetic Vision” is still yet to be revealed. The “Double” aspect reminds me of Elisha’s request that He would be given a double portion of the “Spirit” that Elijah had been given by “The Lord”. The most incredible dream had me standing at the edge of my camp at night. It was about 15 to 20 feet from that point down to the streambed. I was standing and watching a “blue column of energy” that was horizontal to and just above the streambed. This blue column of energy was vaporizing a tunnel through the bedrock that is below the camp area where I was standing. I had previously found a mineralized vein structure on the opposite side of the canyon from my other silver discovery. This vein structure did not have much value at the surface. After this dream I realized that the vaporized tunnel in my dream was heading directly toward this other mineralized vein structure which gives me hope that it has rich ore at a deeper level. Another very unusual dream had me in a factory setting where I had just been hired. My supervisor or employer and I were walking down a hallway toward a work area when I was given my job description. I was told that I was to “Talk and Make Circumference”. This also gave me much to consider. I assume the “Talk” means that I am to share what The Lord is doing in my life and the “Make Circumference” means that I am to keep going around in “circles” until I am directed to do something different and I am still waiting!
My life continued with the normal hardships associated with such a commitment until one day, out of frustration I asked the Lord “Where is It”? Then I again heard the “Still Small voice of The Lord” say: “You Have Already Found It”! I had been searching for something that I could sell and provide at least a small income to sustain myself and up until that point , I still had not found what I had been looking for, an income so when I heard The Lord say this a great anger welled up inside me because if I had already found that which The Lord wanted me to find, It did not include something that I could “Sell”. Eight and a half years of great hardship had passed without that which I could truly call “Success”. It was a terrible disappointment so I asked the Lord: what do you mean by “You have already found it”? I was very angry when I asked this and He didn’t  answer. This left me with a great dilemma. What do I do now? Since the original “Leading” was for “Gold and Silver” and I had only found “Silver” I started looking for gold in another area that I had previously found a small amount of this elusive metal. I had also applied for Social Security with the help of “Legal Aid” knowing that I needed a regular income. I had gone for many years without government help but after my weight dropped to a point that I had not sustained since I was a teenager, it was now unavoidable. Because of my faith and trust in God I was not willing to steal or commit other dishonest acts.
I found a well near the area where I had previously found a little gold so I started working on building a gasoline powered pump. A man in town had his own machine shop and was willing to help me convert an old electric well pump into a gasoline powered one. I eventually scavenged an old engine that was repairable and had the pump that I needed. The most difficult part of extracting gold in desert regions is the necessity of and difficulty finding water to process the dirt and extract the gold. I also needed water for everyday uses as well. It was in this area that I spent the majority of the remaining time prior to finally being accepted into the Social Security program known as “SSI” which is the smallest income that Social Security pays out! I found out later that it is necessary to file for “Disability” within 7 years from the time that you become “disabled” to qualify for “SSDI” which pays much more than “SSI”. I simply waited too long! The whole process including appeals takes a couple of years to finally get approved and get your first check. I worked in that area processing small amounts of gold until the back breaking work that is required was just too much while receiving too little for my efforts! My best day provided about $10. of gold and then it would be necessary to be flat on my back for days to recover from the damage to myself that it caused.
I eventually hooked up with a man who was trying to run a rock shop and I was allowed to stay there in exchange for my help. I had to learn to repair lawn mowers, washers, dryers and just about anything else that I was asked to do to earn a little spending money. I had previously been trained at a Community College in a “conditioned air program “ which gave me the background necessary to become a heating and refrigeration mechanic. I was able to take the diagnostic training and general ability and apply these to other areas of repair work. Refrigeration work can be heavy and even back breaking work when working on rooftop units. This is the type of work that I did previously. I was eventually able to start receiving a regular “SSI” check which was a lifesaver that enabled me to rent a shack like structure in town to live in. After all those years in a small travel trailer, moving into a shack was a welcomed improvement. I was paid from the time that I first applied for Social Security which meant that my first check was a fairly large amount of money. It was enough to purchase a well used Skid Steer Loader. It was like a “Bobcat Loader” except a different brand that I preferred. I wanted something that I could eventually use in a small mining operation. I continued to save my extra money until I could find a newer version which I now have and am waiting to put into operation mining my discoveries.
I will add more as The Lord leads me!

The Working of The Holy Spirit Today ( Part 2 ) © 2009 D.D.B.

                                                                    The Nountaineer

John 8:31-32“[Dispute Over Whose Children Jesus’ Opponents Are] To the Jews who had believed him, Jesus said, “If you hold to my teaching, you are really my disciples. Then you will know the truth, and the truth will set you free.””

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When I chose to make such an adventurous decision it was solely based on my belief that God was directing the events of my life, fully. All that was required of me was to be faithful to the leading of The Holy Spirit. I had saved about $500 prior to my life changing decision to move into the National Forest and start looking for mineral deposits. I did not do any research other than that which I described previously which was to gather and study some topographical maps. I had no experience to speak of. I had never even learned to pan for gold. I basically didn't even know what I was looking for. All that I knew is that it had something to do with "silver and gold". I found out that there was an assay office in Tucson so every vein structure that I found, I took fairly large samples of them all and started making trips to the assay office and wasted all of the money that I had saved on worthless rock samples! Well I suppose it wasn't a total waste, It was a relatively inexpensive lesson in mineralogy and prospecting 101 as compared to what other people spend at the universities. So very quickly, my money was GONE. What do I do now? I did not know anyone in the nearest town which was about an hour and a half drive on a very bad mountain road. I had never lived in a small town and I had never been very aggressive when it came to approaching people and selling myself. In fact I had been for the most part a loner. Getting acquainted was no small chore for me. I finally met a very nice older man who did not have much money but was willing to help me if he could. He had a residence next door that was used for storage which he allowed me to open up a small area where I could roll out a sleeping bag and  look for an odd job from time to time. In the early years I lived on as little as $200 per year! Thanks to an occasional food box and commodities that were available at that time which included flour, corn meal, powered milk and some Velveeta type cheese once in a while, life was sustainable although living on bread and water was often the main meal. Let’s face it that when you are hungry bread and water is ok especially after periods of weeks with little or no food!
Because of chronic pain it was necessary to force myself to hike the sides of the canyon searching for mineralization almost daily carrying a heavy pack, pick and shovel , hammer and chisel and other implements of destruction. I soon learned that a couple hundred people over the last couple hundred years had already gone over these areas and found the easy to find deposits. Therefore I knew that I would need to work harder than most everyone else if I was to have even a slight chance of finding anything of considerable value. I had no medical care insurance and did not want to go on the government dole so I suffered as long as possible until I couldn’t take the suffering any longer so I then went to the county and applied for AHCCCS which is Arizona’s version of Medicaid.
One of the first miracles happened during the second month which was February 1987. I had a flimsy dome tent set up on my claim which I would stay in for as much as 5 to 7 days at a time to save fuel and one night it snowed about an inch. The next day I was working in the icy cold stream trying to learn to pan and se if there was any gold. It was cold,cloudy,windy and just plain miserable. I was in my sleeping bag trying to get warm at about 4:30pm and had decided to stay one more night before going back to my travel trailer. Then the “Wind” slapped my tent twice and an angry sounding voice said “Is That Plain Enough For You?” Well, That most certainly got my attention! Then “He” said: “It Is Going To Get a Lot Worse Tonight!” I immediately grabbed my back pack, jumped into my 1966 Chevelle and drove straight to my trailer for safety. That night , it snowed 2.5 feet of wet heavy snow which flattened my camp including my tent and broke limbs off of most of the oak trees in the forest. It provided fire wood for me for a couple of years thereafter. I know that I would have been trapped in my tent and died of hypothermia had I not been forewarned. I had previously wondered about “Guardian Angels” and now I am pretty sure that I have one! The following year, a similar storm hit in February leaving 2 feet of snow. I was more prepared for that storm.
Among the normal hardships was the problem of Illegal Immigration and Human and Drug Smuggling. My general area was a favorite route for one or more of the  Drug Cartels. I even witnessed a twin engine plane make a drug drop up canyon from my Claim. I did not have a cell phone to alert anyone and limited gasoline so all I could do was watch this drama unfold. It was a Monday morning when it happened and after the drop, the plane came around a second time and dove again into the canyon to spot where it landed and mark it on a map. Right after the second time that it flew into the canyon a military green twin engine plane flew over and turned following the first plane. this was obviously an aircraft designed to chase after smugglers that fly into our airspace and are tracked by the Aerostat Balloon located at Fort Huachuca in Sierra Vista, Arizona. This plane had twin tails and something under the plane that looked like a torpedo. It was a radar unit or some kind of jamming device that the military uses.  Later a large Hertz/Penske diesel moving van drove by on its way up this canyon. I was totally amazed due to the size of the truck and that some crazy person had driven it so far into the wilderness on bad mountain roads. No more than an hour later two young Mexican males came to my camp claiming that the truck was stuck and in danger of falling off the road into the canyon. They asked me for a ride into town to get help so I told them that I would but I would need money for gas since I neither had money nor enough gas in my vehicle to return to my claim. They said that they didn’t have any money for gas so I was not able to help them. You need a credit card to rent something like that so it was evident that they had driven up there for someone else for the purpose of collecting the dope. While I was speaking with them one mentioned that they had a map and I said ; OH, you have a map? They immediately clamed-up. The map was apparently given to them by the smugglers. That evening a full sized Kenworth Conventional tow truck from a large towing co. in Tucson arrived at my camp. The driver stopped, left the engine running and walked up canyon a short distance then came back, turned around and left. He was smart enough not to make the same mistake as the 2 Mexicans. This drama continued until Thursday when they finally got that big truck turned around. As they drove by I could see that the truck was all scratched up from the tree branches. The next day was Friday and shortly before dark two older Mexicans drove up canyon and less than an hour later they drove out of the canyon with a large bail of dope in the back of their 1975 Chevy pick-up wrapped in dark plastic. The irony of this is that at no time did any law enforcement get involved except for that second airplane. The first plane probably got away, back into Mexico. The second plane did not have time to intercept the first plane. The smugglers not only steel vehicles and take them into Mexico for use in drug and human smuggling, they also are so bold as to walk onto small airports and steel airplanes. This very thing happened at a small airport near Marana, Arizona. These smugglers also semi – regularly outfitted themselves at my expense by raiding my camp and trailer to steal whatever that they needed and would leave their old trash which revealed who had done it. Some lowlife locals also did such things but would take everything in sight. This would usually happen while I was away looking for work and supplies. I often lost much more than I could possibly gain! Times like this made giving up a consideration but I had a calling that kept me on the job.
During the first year I was both cursed and blessed and if not for the blessings, I would have vacated the area shortly after I arrived. In the early spring another “Sign or Wonder” This one fell into the category of '”Mind Boggling”and is still not easy to understand. The general area is a Birders playground. One very special species had a two part song, a very pretty song indeed. I found that when I heard the first part of the song, that was my signal to listen closely. The second part of the song went like this: “This is David……” This bird was introducing me to all of Gods Creation. I swear that this is absolutely true! I had a man and wife who were friends who would visit in Tucson to shower and rest etc. They told me that I had been in the forest Too Long. Later they came up for the weekend and the husband and I were in the camp area when I heard the first portion of this birds song so I immediately said: Listen! and He Heard IT. He immediately named the bird after me. I heard the same bird in later years but the song had changed.
To help me get around the canyon, I found an oak sapling that with some work made a heavy duty walking stick. It  had a bit of a club end that I felt could be used for protection if needed since I did not have a gun. It was necessary since I had not only two legged predators to deal with but also four legged predators including Black Bear and Mountain Lion. The local ranch that had the grazing rights for that part of the Forest had a cowboy that would ride his horse into the high country looking for wild cows that had not been branded. He kept a running count (estimate) of the Bear and Lion and told me that there were two 500 pound red cross breed Black Bears that would stand about 8 feet tall. They had a hump between their shoulders similar to a Brown Bear (Grizzly). I found an occasional Huge pile of “scat” that had to come from one of these huge bear. I have been growled at by both Bear and Lion while hiking around my general area. I saw a couple Lion on my claim but never saw a bear face to face. The time that the Bear growled at me, I was hiking away from my camp along an old mining road when I heard a long low growl behind me. It was a fairly heavily forested area and the Bear was in hiding when I walked by it. It was during the summer rainy season and after I heard the growl I said to the Lord: Is this my fate that I am to be eaten by a bear? I immediately heard thunder in the distance! It was a very eerie experience. I continued on my hike and took a different route back to my camp, just in case it was still in the area. I did not see any sense in pressing my luck! One morning I heard a female lion in heat screaming for a mate. It lasted for 3 hours! The lion was only about 100 yards away or less. I desperately wanted to go up and see that lion but I restrained myself. The lion wasn’t in a very good mood and would  not have appreciated my presence. I awoke one morning in my travel trailer at about 4am which I was finally able to have towed up to my claim and lit an old fashioned Gas Light. After I did this I turned to the window and looked into the blackness of the night and heard a large animal run away. This was not a hoofed animal, I could tell by the sound so it had to be a bear that was standing and looking in my window. I didn’t think that I was that frightening but apparently to the Bear I was. There was at least one other occasion when a bear came snooping around my trailer around 10:00 pm and knocked over some metal items that were stacked  next to the rear and the noise spooked it and I heard it run away through the dry leaves behind the trailer.
Digging with a pick and shovel was the normal routine and one day I noticed that there was a female Arizona Grey Tree Squirrel 15 feet away in the shade of a nearby mesquite tree. It struck me as unusual because swinging a pick and throwing shovels of dirt out would normally scare off animals. Over a period of about a year and a half, this particular squirrel had taken a liking toward me. I had never befriended a wild animal before so since I was all alone up there this interested me greatly. I began to put out a jar lid with corn meal in it next to my trailer. Not long after the squirrel became accustomed to feeding out of the jar lid I reached down and tried to pet or scratch the animal while it was eating and it not only let me scratch it, it would lean toward my hand to get me to scratch even harder. But then the next time when I leaned down the squirrel would run about 6 or 8 feet away and wait for me to move back to my original position then it would return to the food. I could not understand why it would let me scratch it one day and then not let me the next time. Then one day while I leaning down to scratch it, I saw something with my peripheral vision under my trailer and I had the answer. There was standing another identical female squirrel that was waiting for it’s turn to eat. One day I was sitting in a folding chair and put the food lid on my leg and the squirrel jumped up on my leg but I must have flinched because it then jumped back down and with its’ front paws outstretched stood and waited for me to give it back the food and it grabbed the lid as I was returning it to the ground. Another day I had a piece of carrot which it simply loved and obviously never forgot because weeks later, I was squatting about twenty feet away from the trailer and its’ food dish when the squirrel came running toward me and away from its’ Full food dish and bit my middle finger hard and then ran back to its food and just stood there looking at me. I yelled out a loud “OW” when it happened which did not seem to affect it, it had a message to send and did it quite well. A moment later I realized what had happened. That was the only way that this animal had to tell me that it wanted more carrot. A carrot is sweeter than anything that this squirrel had ever eaten!
The first years were somewhat eventful, they included experiences that ranged from abnormal sightings to the supernatural. I spotted a family of 3 Golden Eagles in the area. the first sighting was the adult pair with a yearling. The yearling had white feathers under its’ wings at the elbows. I saw what I believe to be the same trio the next year and those white feathers were gone. Sometime later that year this trio was up to mischief. I heard some commotion on the west side of the canyon and when I looked up I saw these Eagles trying to take a relatively small fawn. The mother was running back and forth trying to intervene and save its offspring from these local predators. they finally ran under an oak tree which was enough to discourage their attempts. On another occasion, I was hiking up a side canyon on the east side of the main canyon. This side canyon had steep sides and was more heavily forested than the west side of the main canyon. As i was coming up to an area that leveled of and opened up a little wider, there in front of me was a Golden Eagle which had just killed a large bird and had started to pull off the breast feathers after removing its’ head. When it saw me it immediately took off directly toward me. I was for a moment staring face to face with one of the meanest looking birds and I did the only thing that I could do which was to immediately drop to my knees and duck down to avoid having my face full of an irritated Golden Eagle. It was only capable of taking off downhill which meant it had no choice but to fly directly toward me. Living full time in the forest gave me the opportunity to see and experience things that the normal human being would Never see!
The next  Installment is coming soon

Tuesday, January 11

The Holy Spirit Today and Spiritual Gifting

,1 Peter 1:15-16“But just as he who called you is holy, so be holy in all you do; for it is written: “Be holy, because I am holy.””

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Isaiah 1:16-17“Wash and make yourselves clean. Take your evil deeds out of my sight; stop doing wrong. Learn to do right; seek justice. Defend the oppressed. Take up the cause of the fatherless; plead the case of the widow.”

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This is my attempt to share the very unusual life occurrences that The GOD of our universe has so graciously allowed me to experience, even great pain! I will also try to share what HE has taught me through my pain and study of HIM.

   Through years of intense study on my own as well as with some of the best Bible teachers available online as well as over the radio, I have come to the stark realization that I have been "Spiritually Gifted" with the "Gift" of "Spiritual Discernment" which is more properly called "Discerning Of Spirits". It is the only way to explain all of the spiritual/supernatural things that I have seen including demons and the Devil himself. I do not seek to have these experiences but I now know that The LORD has allowed these events or realizations, for the lack of a better way of describing what has happened to me, to prepare me for a great task that He has already begun. I am still only beginning to understand what that task is. After decades of spiritual oppression with Satanic attacks through wicked people, in my dreams and in ways that I still do not fully comprehend, GOD has been preparing me for an even greater battle ahead. The LORD has also made great promises to me many years ago, otherwise I would not have had the strength to continue with the great suffering and mind boggling events that I have endured. I am a great threat to the Adversary who is the Devil otherwise he would not be so interested in harming me. This has encompassed the first half of my life to toughen me up for the later stages in my life.

The later stages began at the age of 30 in a very unusual way. It has been an even more challenging set of circumstances than the first half of my life and even harder to describe, although I will try my best to inspire you to believe even unto "Eternal Salvation" if at all possible.

      “The Body of Christ” has many parts similar to the human body and and to a certain degree “Spiritual Gifts” correspond to the parts of the body such as the head for example, has two eyes, two ears, a mouth, nose and the nose has two nasal passages. I can not say how far this comparison is extended to the various gifts but we at least have more visible gifts such as the eyes for seeing. Therefore we have outward gifts such as the eyes and inward gifts that are not visible but are every bit as important as the visible gifts when it comes to sustaining the body. An example of an inward or inner gift might be compared to the liver which works quietly yet the body can not operate without it! I have a type of “Spiritual Sight” that needs to work in conjunction with the rest of the”Body of Christ”

After years of great hardship, both physically and psychologically, The Lord stepped into my life by sending an elderly man who I had just met a couple of days earlier. It was in the evening at a van customizing shop that virtually had no business and an owner who preferred to develop his country western band instead of his business. This was his uncle. I manned the office in exchange for a place to plug-in my camper van and a place to sleep. His uncle presented himself with the exclamation that he had just had a "vision" about me personally. Even though I had been a believer in The LORD since I was 6 years old, I had not become grounded in the teachings of the Bible therefore I was quite untaught at that time. Life had been too intense and I had not found anyone to mentor me from a Biblical point of view. This elderly man said that this, as well as previous visions that he had received included colors similar to a stop light, red, yellow and green which told him whether or not to share the vision. His vision about me was green which told him to share it with me. It simply consisted of three numbers, 7, 9, and 18, as I recall. He also gave to me 3 airline tickets that were for a flight that was departing in a day or two. God had basically given one of the members of his group of 3 people heart problems so that they could not fly back to Baltimore leaving them with the second half of three round trip tickets. I had to make a decision to trust God with this because it was around the holidays and the destination was Baltimore from Tucson and I was broke except for 8 dollars. I prayed about it and then on the next afternoon, I was on my way even though there were blizzard conditions in the Northeast USA and I would be hitch-hiking back. Thankfully, the plane landed at the Dallas / Fort Worth airport for a brief layover. I decided that it would be best for me to start hitch-hiking back from there.
This was the beginning of my choice to start trusting my LORD and Savior in a big way. I did not really have many other choices available and it was time for me to start to follow Him where-ever he led me by faith! IT was because of this major choice that made me become a major target for the adversary (Satan) and he has been relentless except for periods where he tried to get me to let my guard down. My thirst to study the Bible has been ever increasing since then! Great pain and suffering has had a way of  forcing me to focus on Him as well. It has been this great increase in Bible study that has helped me to understand that all of these spiritual encounters were directly related to "Spiritual Gifts" that The LORD has given to me and in particular "Spiritual Discernment". I have seen spirits without human bodies and have learned to recognized those people who are controlled or have allowed themselves to become influenced in a variety of ways. There are certain traits or  characteristics that I will notice after getting to know a particular person. The Devil and his minions are very deceptive so a person and especially someone who is a "believer" needs to be very careful who they allow into their lives.   

There are a number of other "Gifts" that are enumerated in the New Testament. These can be found in 1st Corinthians chapters 12 and 14, 1st Peter chapter 4 and Ephesians Chapter 4. and of course the book of Acts. You can glean other information about the working of the Holy Spirit throughout the bible. It is the Holy Spirit who primarily works within us and "Gifts" us as he sees fit for the edification of the Body of Christ.
I am not prepared at this time to delve into the other "Gifts" in detail because there is still much discussion and many differences in opinion concerning which gifts are still active today and even whether we can have more than one spiritual gift per person. There is one thing that I do know from personal experience and that concerns "tongues". There are "Cults" who specialize in tongues as well as the Occult and this is straight from Satan who's people also do this kind of "babble" which is dangerously deceptive. Mediums or those in the "New Age Movement” dabble with the spirit world in ways that are not at all New”, but actually have rehashed those same occultists traditions including contacting the dead, or so they think! If any true spiritual contact is made, it is made with demons who masquerade as deceased souls! People such as Shirley McLane have their “spirit guides” who do a variety of things such as perform tasks like  possibly to try to manipulate an adversary for them. My ex-neighbor bragged to me about how her spirit guide caused her employer to change his attitude toward her because she expected to be fired soon. This woman was very deceitful and also pretended to be a Christian and said that she was saved at a Benny Hinn healing service or what ever he called what he did. ABC had done an investigative report on Benny Hinn and followed up on those who were so-called  divinely healed. It is my understanding that ABC exposed him as a fraud. This woman was a deceiver and had previously admitted to being neurotic and  proved to be even worse than that.
There are  many in the "Church" that are planted by Satan. They are known as "Tares" or false believers who pretend to be "Saved" but are not!  To be fair, they may very well believe that they are true Christians but do not understand what is truly necessary for their salvation to take place.They lack the true humility and willingness to admit that their condition is hopeless apart from the Great Work that Christ accomplished on the cross, dying a horrible death as the final sacrifice for our sins and the sins of the whole world. Our works are like filthy rags in the sight of God for we are sinful and no good thing can be presented before The Lord of all creation because we and our so called good works are defiled because we are sinful. Read the prophet Isaiah to confirm these things. 
Additional Information 
  Feel free to guess what my little friend is and where it can be found. Feel free to ask questions about me, if you like, as long as they are not too personal. I invite questions about The LORD and supernatural events in my life as well as your own. I am not in to chatting but new friends are welcome to introduce themselves and I may reply. While you are waiting for posts, you might go here: http://

One of my friends

One of my friends Identify Me

About Me

Arizona, United States
I am amazed by all of God's Creation but dismayed by all of the evil that has corrupted it ! I have seen God's hand at work in my life and because I am actively seeking His will, I am also a target for Satan's attacks and have been attacked for decades! I am willing to share as much as I can to those who are honestly seeking the Truth
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Sunday, January 9

Where Do We Go From Here ?

The Nountaineer

Our lives consist of the many desires, needs cares and disappointments that form who we are, especially during our formative years.

 After this we strive to understand who we are and what we should do with this life that we have been given by God. This is of course referring to those who believe in The God of Creation. Those who do not, lack the basic moorings necessary to achieve true joy and peace within their lifetimes. Very few that do not receive the Gift of Eternal Life when they are young, ever do so later in life. This unfortunately encompasses most of mankind. They have what is called a God shaped void within their soul that can only be filled by God Himself. People try to fill that spiritual void with every conceivable form of fulfillment including all things sinful which I will not try to enumerate at this time. Most people deep in their soul know what sin is. God has given all of us a conscience that tells us that something is wrong. After a person suppresses these pangs of conscience over and over, their conscience becomes calloused and are no longer sensitive to their God given inner warning system. That is the way it is and no one can force an adult person to do what is right nor should they, apart from the criminal justice system. All we can do is witness to them if they are open to our witness. If they are not open then we must set an example by  behaving  like a Christian should behave in their presence. We must pray for their eyes to be opened and see their need. It quite often takes crisis in a persons life to cause them to basically hit bottom so that the only direction left for them to look, is up! This can be the case in a believer's life who does not have their life focused on The Lord, so it is necessary for The Lord to send difficulty into our lives. We are all to often carried away by the issues of this life and the pleasures of this world. We must remember that we are in this world, but not of it!
As for those who are true believers, we are to direct our focus onto The Lord of our Salvation and try our best to please Him through obedience which is empowered by the Holy Spirit who dwells within us. We need to seek His perfect will for our lives on an individual basis. We need to ask The LORD to reveal  how we are to use our Spiritual Gifts for the edification of the Body of Christ. Above all, we must stay in his word daily and treat it as our daily spiritual food. We need to feed our spirit on a daily basis just as we need to keep our body nourished daily.

What is your Gift or Gifts? How can we be sure what they are? It takes prayer and the study of God’s Word to discover our Gifts and then put them into practice.
This is a post that is under construction so please check back for additional content.

Saturday, January 8

The Most Important Purpose In Life

P2040048 (2)It is all too true that this life has an enormous amount of challenges to overcome at one point or another for a particular person to achieve success, but we first need to define what  that is. I believe that we all have a purpose in life whether small or great in the eyes of man, it still matters that we find out what it is. The challenges begin basically at birth when we leave that most comfortable place in the whom, or to be more specific, when we begin that journey down and out. It is good that we do not remember that short trip which is like being squeezed out of a tube. yet not quite like toothpaste. It is traumatic enough to leave a baby looking rather unusual, to say the least. Thankfully we do not stay that way for long.Childhood can vary in so many ways these days since we are not given an owners manual when the little one arrives and we seem to emulate the people who we learned from during our formative years. That is where the great variations come in. It really matters where we are born and who takes the main responsibility to get the child up and running in a coherent way. Children are like sponges and will pick up everything that their environment exposes them to. That means we need to take great care and do our best with what we have to work with. If our parents were not very skilled then we have an even bigger problem to deal with. WE need to unlearn the bad habits that we were taught or exposed to as we grew up

. We in America have it much better than elsewhere, or at least that is how it used to be. Our country has changed greatly since the early 1800’s and is changing now faster than we can keep up with.
There are those in power who have been for decades implementing plans to remake this once great nation and they have succeeded in destroying once great centers of learning such as Princeton and Harvard and many others that were created to truly educate young people and train them to be ready to lead this great nation in the ways that made us great. That has all changed. We are dumbing  down America into a politically correct, second class nation and it is being done on purpose! American Universities have become second rate in the world and we now have to look overseas for fresh talent like from India who are actually teaching the sciences that are no longer being taught properly here. These so called leaders of ours would rather teach our children to have sex so that their main political contributors like Planned Parenthood will make lots of money killing all of the babies that these untaught children are producing. The unions are right in line with their deep pockets to grease the palms of these same politicians who are not leaders at all! Then there are those in Jolly wood who fill our children's minds the rest of the way with all of the filth and violence that works to destroy  nations, just like the once great Roman Empire They actually hate the America that we who are older once knew. Yes boys and girls, it has all been part of a greater plan to destroy this nation, a little at a time!

Now I need to get back to the thing that is really important in this life which is our purpose for being here to begin with. I spent much of my life not knowing what my purpose was. It was all very confusing to me as it probably is for many of you. Our primary purpose is to Glorify God and enjoy Him forever. Secondarily we are to love our neighbor as ourselves. If lived out then we would have the utopia on earth that so many people desire to have. The best we can do is to first get to know God. He wants to have a personal relationship with us. He is then willing to give us the personal direction that we have been missing all of our lives. Too many people these days are being brainwashed into thinking all kinds of false concepts including evolution. Those same politicians hate God and do not want the very pliable minds of our children to even have the chance to consider a different way of thinking and understanding of how we got here in the first place. Those in power know that once they reach adolescence their minds are pretty much set to reject any other way or thinking. Please give our children the opportunity to consider all of the possibilities, and then choose by making a really educated, informed decision, and they just might choose to believe the truth!