This Is An Attempt To share My Lifelong Experiences Through Much Pain, Suffering, Amazing Spiritual Experiences and Decades of Studying God's Word. God has allowed me to experience the Supernatural Realm In Particular.The God of The Bible Has shown Himself to me through Miracles, "Signs and Wonders" and "A Spiritual Gift Of Sight" called "Discerning Of Spirits" which is a "Spiritual Discernment", sight gift. I have seen Amazing Things!
Wednesday, March 30
Monday, March 28
Supernova Remnant From a White Dwarf Star
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Tycho, Supernova Remnant |

nasa image,
supernova remnant,
white dwarf star
Sunday, March 20
Red Alert - U.S Headed For Economic Collapse
According to economist: John Williams from :"Shadow Government Statistics",The U.S is headed for a Great Economic Collapse, on the outside, in 2014, if not already happening for the last 2 years, which are just the precursors. According to Williams, the Obama administration is about to repeat Jimmy Carters 1970's stagflation so get ready for the bumpy ride of a lifetime. It will be a "Global Economic Crisis" for you who are post Baby Boomer's, you will have never seen something like this before! There are strong indicators that it has already begun!
For the whole story, go to "Jerome Corsi's Red Alert" at:

For the whole story, go to "Jerome Corsi's Red Alert" at:

jerome corsi,
jimmy carter,
Saturday, March 12
Eye Of Sauron-NASA
This is an image from NASA who's name, "Eye Of Sauron" is from 'The Lord of The Rings". It's proper name is NGC4151 and the latest space image from NASA as of 3-12-2011.

eye of sauron,
eye of sauron,
lord of the rings,
nasa image,
ngc 4151
Faith - Eternity - Past And Present Purpose Of Our Creator
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The Nountaineer |
I would like to share some of what I have learned through great suffering in my past as well as present, including pain, hardship and faith that have served to strengthen my resolve to find the purpose that our Creator has for my life.
Written within my posts and pages , you will find a very candid purpose in the sharing of my very unusual past that serves to shape all that is in me! I hope that you will take the time to carefully reflect on the meaning behind that which I have written. I am not very experienced at writing and have started relatively late in life so I ask you to have patience with me and look closely enough to truly glean the truths that I am striving to not only share with you but to actually teach you. I have been and am writing about the faith that has kept me on this path despite spiritual attacks that the Creator has allowed the enemy of mankind to burden me with. Those truths that may be difficult at first to comprehend, in time may bring timeless understanding that can change your life for Eternity! Therefore I ask you to ponder on the inner meaning and even be curious and bold enough to actually "ask me" to help you to understand. The answers may even lead you to "Eternal Life" with your Creator!
My past is represented by great pain, deprivation, all sorts of hardship and in the end, I have become stronger and better prepared for the trials that stand before me. My present purpose is to inform you about these trials, teach you about handling difficulty and inspiring you to look to your Creator for help in the midst of crisis. I would not wish that which I have been through on an enemy yet it has served a purpose. I am not sure that I will ever be able in this life to truly understand the purpose that God has in mind for all that I have been exposed to. I believe that God's purpose for allowing trials is to increase your faith and trust in Him. It has worked to do so in my life. He is also using our past and present to prepare "believers" for Heaven. I also believe that God's purpose for trials in an unbelievers life is to cause them to turn to Him through their past and present pain and struggles. He loves all of mankind and desires that we receive forgiveness for our sins through Faith in Jesus so that you also can spend all of Eternity with Him!
I have shared in my writings things that I can not personally talk about with most people so this venue has given to me an opportunity to share things that I have had to keep to myself for decades. If even one person is directed to the knowledge that is necessary for "saving faith" then I must conclude that my sacrifices as well as my suffering has had a purpose, a very important purpose! Through my past and present struggles, which have been and still are very difficult, God has strengthend me greatly and taught me a great deal as well. We are all similar yet different so God has to work with each of us in different ways to accomplish similar goals for our lives. The main thing to keep in mind is that God loves you and that He is able to use bad things for His purposes and can use them for good in the end!
My collection of writings can be found through the list of blogs on the home page as well. I have similar content in these other blogs as well as some additional teachings not found here. I hope that you will search through all of my work and share it with others for the intent of my writings is to teach as well as introduce you to a loving Creator whose name is "I am", as well as many other names for his names are descriptive of his infinite qualities, characteristics and attributes that flow out of his love for mankind as well as His desire for you to have an eternal relationship with Him!

his purpose,
Holy Spirit,
Our Purpose,
Thursday, March 10
Spiritual Warfare And The Church

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The Nountaineer |
The Spiritual Gifts from The Holy Spirit are provided to believers when they receive Eternal Life through Faith in their LORD and Savior, Jesus The Messiah or The Word of God who set aside His Prerogative to remain seated on the Throne of Glory, at the Right Hand of The Father. He then Chose to be born a human being, who are created in the image of God. It was Love that caused Him to do this and pity for this vast sea of humanity who were like sheep without a Shepard, wandering to and fro without hope. Mankind had been cursed along with all of creation and without a sinless Savior to become the Final and most complete sacrifice, there was no hope for mankind. After Our LORD paid the Great Price for our salvation, He then returned to Glory and 10 days later He sent the promised Holy Spirit at the time of Pentecost which meant that Jerusalem was filled with those who chose to worship the God of the Jewish people. This was the beginning of the "Church" which is the body of Christ, Also known as the "Bride of Christ" who will someday be snatched away to meet The Lord in the air or upper atmosphere which is called the "Second Heaven". Actually, it could be anywhere, from where the clouds are to the outer atmosphere or "space".
Now back to the "Gifts of The Spirit". Each "true believer" receives at least one spiritual gift and these are available in the books of 1st Corinthians chapters 12, and 14, 1st Peter chapter 4, Ephesians chapter 4, Romans chapter 1, and of course in the book of Acts which describes the coming of The Holy Spirit at Pentecost.
Today is a time like no other in the history of the Earth. The battle is raging for the hearts, minds, and souls of our children. The enemy of all mankind has conceived all manner of traps, snares, and deceptions to keep or prevent as many human beings from knowing the Truth which is God's Truth and no other. The battle is on Earth yet the primary players are in another realm or dimension. This takes an incredible amount of "Spiritual Discernment" as well as caution when defending against an invisible enemy who hates all of humanity because we are created in the image of God and God is their primary enemy. That which makes it even more difficult to understand is that the battle has already been won by "The Word of God", when He died on the cross and paid the sin debt for all who will believe a simple yet astonishing truth. "We are "Saved By Faith". All other religions are in one form or another, "works based" in their understanding of what is "good" and what is needed for atonement, of one sort or another.
The description of this spiritual battle in the Bible has proven to be absolutely true. I know this from personal experience yet it has taken decades for me to even begin to understand why I have seen and experienced all that I have. I finally turned to the Bible after God personally stepped into my life at the age of 30. There was a long interval where I was like a ship without a rudder because I received Christ as my Savior at the age of 6 and for a variety of reasons why, it took a long time for me to look to "The Book" for some answers. I was under Satans attacks for most of my life through great suffering and this kept me from being the soldier in the battle that God had planned for my life! I am now in "The Word" daily and have been doing so as much as possible for more than 20 years. It is now like daily food that is every bit as important as food for the body. The better the nutrition for the body then the healthier will be the body, and it is the same for our soul and spirit! Without daily feeding on God's word, we become not only malnourished but leave ourselves open to attack by "the enemy". This does not mean that we are not attacked daily any way, it means that we are better prepared to resist the attacks. I have found that for me it is necessary to listen to the audio Bible daily if possible and also listen every evening to as many of my favorite Bible expositors as possible. Since I live alone it is possible for me to spend most of my waking hours filling my mind with God's truths. It is something like an immunization. The enemy still tries to get a foot-hold in my life but when his attacks happen, I know why and do not turn and run but stand my ground, with the addition of spiritual armor from God and I can even use the LORD's offensive weapon which is God's Word! The Spiritual Warfare today is raging as much as ever in our country and world and we all need to turn from these worldly persuits as much as possible and turn to The Holy Spirit of Christ to empower us with the filling of The Spirit and the strength to remove the worldliness from our lives so that we can focus on the truly important aspects of this battle. As long as we are distracted by the worldly things like television, sports, personal pursuits such as seeking the pleasures of this life then we are almost useless to the Lord's work that He has established for each of us personally. We are to have a personal relationship with our Lord and Savior, and without that relationship then there is little evidence that we are even saved! The Bibe says that we are known by our fruits! These fruits are evidence of our spiritual condition! Are you really saved! If so then we need to show these fruits, first to our Lord in love, worship, praise, thankfulness and by truly adoring Him! If these "Fruits of The Spirit" are evident to the Lord then they will be evident to other "true believers" as well! Before we can truly fight this "spiritual battle", we need to get right with God and put on the "spiritual armor" of God that is enumerated in God's word.
The Church today has gotten soft and we are not much of a threat to Satan! A sure way of knowing that we are "right with God" and "In the battle" in a way that really counts is when we are under attack by Satan! If we are not a threat then Satan is going to focus his attacks on those who are truly a threat! Are you suffering under Satanic attick? If not, then that is a sure sign that you are not in the battle, and possibly not even saved! Related articles
- Spiritual Gifts,Spiritual Warfare And The Church (
- Spiritual warfare, Spiritual Gifts In The Church (
- The Gifts From The Holy Spirit And Warfare (
- Spiritual Warfare And The Body Of Christ (
- The Church Needs Preparation For Warfare (

first epistle to the corinthians,
fruits of the spirit,
Holy Spirit,
spiritual gift,
Spiritual Warfare
Tuesday, March 1
The Working of The Holy Spirit Today Part 1 © 2009 D.D.B.
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The Nountaineer |
LiveJournal Tags: Signs and Wonders,Holy Spirit,Prospecting for Mineral Wealth,Visions,Gold and Silver,Our Purpose For living,God Given Purpose
1 John 4:20-21“Whoever claims to love God yet hates a brother or sister is a liar. For whoever does not love their brother and sister, whom they have seen, cannot love God, whom they have not seen. And he has given us this command: Anyone who loves God must also love their brother and sister.” Brought to you by Copyright (C) . All Rights Reserved. | Tags: Supernatural World,Holy Spirit,Signs and Wonders,Visions,Spiritual Warfare,Our Purpose For living,Satanic Attack,Drug Smuggling,Prospecting,Gold,Silver,Mineral Wealth
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My story is both ordinary and extraordinary. I made poor decisions in the first half of my life and am still suffering from the consequences of those decisions. I hope that those who read this will be inspired to think carefully and make decisions that will be honoring to God and will glorify Him. The second half has been very difficult yet rewarding.
At the age of 30 years I was at a rather low point because of deteriorating health and I had reached a point where I could no longer hold a regular job. I was associated with a van customizing shop that had no business to speak of, but the owner allowed me to park a non operable camper van next to the building to sleep in and I manned the office for free allowing the owner to be a playboy in a country western band. It was around the holidays when his visiting uncle approached me about a vision that he had just received about me. This “vision” concept was very new to me because I had not been mentored by a mature Christian in my youth, yet I was willing to listen. He said that this”vision” thing was a semi-normal aspect of his life and it came with colors which told him to share it with me, similar to the colors on a stoplight. It also consisted of 3 numbers and he also gave me 3 airline tickets from Tucson to Baltimore which became available because the Lord had given one of the members of his party “heart problems'' to get me on that particular flight. The departure was in a day or two and I only had 8 dollars to my name. I prayed about it the night before the flight and the next day I felt reassured about it. Therefore I felt that I had been given the peace that I needed to do something so daring. The next afternoon I was on my way with a sleeping bag, duffel bag and a down jacket. There were snow storms in the Baltimore area so I decided to disembark at the first stop which was at the Dallas/Ft. Worth airport. I immediately started hitch-hiking back to Tucson because it had already gotten dark. A series of sexual predators tried to pick me up at first near Ft. Worth but I recognized the threat and declined except for the third one who looked normal enough but after we were on our way he started making propositions that had me very worried that I might need to fight off this pervert. He soon took an exit and let me out. A few minutes later another vehicle stopped and took me an additional 75 miles and then just pulled over on the side of Interstate 20 and said that this was as far as he was going. I thought that this was a little odd because there were no exits nearby. He just dropped me off and then kept driving. So I ended up in the middle of nowhere on I-20, 80 miles west of my starting point near Ft. Worth. It was 11 pm with no traffic in sight when I stopped so I climbed the side of I-20 to stop to sleep. I chose that spot because I saw an incredible shooting star which circumferenced the sky from south to north. I took it to be a signal that this was where I was to stop to sleep. I awoke at 3:15 am and it had clouded over so I suspected a change in the weather and started hitchhiking again. The third car stopped and off we went westward. The young man who picked me up had also seen the shooting star and stopped to sleep at the same time that I did. We drove for a few hours and then stopped for coffee. It was at that time that I felt inspired to show him the scrap of paper with the 3 numbers written on it. I then pulled out my wallet, placed the piece of paper on the table and simply asked him if this meant anything to him since he had earlier indicated that he had a very significant relationship with the Lord. He took one look and immediately said yes that it means “The Lord, Signs and Wonders and Double Signs and Wonders” I was not well versed in the Bible at that time yet accepted what he had just told me. The night before, The Lord said to him to start driving west but did not say why. Even though he was an electrical contractor and it was the middle of the week and he had a business to run, he was faithful to the Lords leading and started driving. I thank him greatly because this was the beginning of an incredible adventure that is still unfolding. He shared with me that the Lord had appeared to him on 3 previous occasions and spoke to him for about 30 minutes each time. Mathew chapter 5, verse 8 says that the pure of heart will see “God”. This is an example of this promise that the Lord made in His Word! I also remember asking him: what did The Lord look like? He gave a description similar to that which is written in the book of Revelation. We later stopped for lunch. After lunch, he said that this was as far as he would be going and then I thanked him and we parted company. By this time, I was overjoyed. He offered me some money as I was walking away, toward the interstate which I declined saying "I still have 8 dollars in my pocket, I'll be fine"! About a minute or so later I was standing again on the side of I-20, I looked up and thanked The Lord and said: I now know why I came on this trip, I am ready to go home. I stuck out my thumb and the 3rd vehicle stopped, I got in and he took me the full 750 remaining miles back to Tucson! Please make note of the multiple occurrences of "the number 3" which is a prominent number in the Bible! Numerology is an occult practice but we need to understand that Satan imitates and perverts all that God does! Some examples are astrology which is also a perversion of what God has written in the heavens via the constellations that He created. The story of Salvation is written in the stars! Another example is the anti-Christ and Satan's unholy trinity which is another perversion of God's plans.
After some time had passed, I felt led to go and visit my father and see if it would be possible to repair a somewhat damaged relationship. After a few weeks of preparation for the trip back to my birthplace, I decided to take the mountainous route through northern New Mexico via Taos. It was Saturday evening and I felt like reading in the Old Testament. I opened and read 3 random passages and then went to bed. The next morning I went into Taos for breakfast and to see if they had a protestant church. The waitress said that there was one Bible Church so I finished in time for their worship service and that morning the pastor covered all three passages that the Lord had inspired me to read the night before! The Pastor and Elders of the Church asked if there were any that needed special prayer. I immediately went forward and asked for prayer for my father because of his immoral lifestyle so they anointed me with oil on the forehead and prayed for him. After Church, I prayed to see what the Lord would have me do next and I distinctively heard “The Still Small Voice” of the Holy Spirit say “Go Get Him”, referring to my father so off I went.
After arriving it became clear that my alcoholic father was not very interested in reconciling and things soon deteriorated. Shortly after arriving I asked The Lord a couple of questions. First I asked about an old friend’s family situation and what the Holy Spirit told me was proven to be true later that same day. That same afternoon I asked the Lord to heal me and again the “Still Small Voice” of the Holy Spirit said to me that “I was not ready to be healed”. That trip was very disappointing and was probably the cause of me being disinherited but there is no doubt that The Lord sent me on that mission for at least a couple of reasons: To confront my earthly father about the fact that he had totally and completely rejected the only salvation available through the shed blood of “Christ Jesus”, The Lord also wanted to show me that even today a person can be possessed by the Evil One which is something that I would have never wanted to believe about my own father. He was also preparing me for a spiritual battle that had already begun. One afternoon near the end of my visit my father began to become belligerent and started saying filthy things that caught me by surprise, then the strong feeling came over me that I was under Satanic attack. I began to feel terrible and said to my father that it was the alcohol talking so he responded: I don't care! Then I started walking slowly toward him and he began walking backwards away from me and then it struck me like a brick that my father was "possessed by Satan". I tried to shake off this thought, I didn't want to believe it and then the overwhelming sense that it was actually true overpowered me so I exclaimed: You are possessed by Satan! and that very instant, the Satanic attack ended and the most wonderful feeling came over me. By this time my father was backed up against a fence. I had never seen my father show any fear toward me but I now know that it was not me that he was afraid of, It was the Lord working through me that frightened the evil spirit that had control over him!
While back in Tucson now, I began to notice certain interests that my attention was turning toward that I had not previously had any interest in. This manifested itself in a few different ways. First a young man asked me to travel on a service call to a small town to work on a cash register. Then he asked me to go with him on a winter camping trip to that same basic area with some local children from his apartment complex. These were for the most part fatherless kids that would not normally have a father figure influencing their lives. So even though it was winter I was willing to be a bit of an adventurist not just with a group of children but to also brave the bitter temperatures. It was because of these experiences in that particular area that helped me to decide later to choose an area near there to settle on and start looking for minerals and to file a mining claim which I still own today. There were other strange happenings that contributed to my decisions as well. I had no previous interest in prospecting, mining or precious metals and this same person also asked me to go into the Santa Catalina Mountains to look at some old abandoned mine tunnels. A friend recommended a mutual acquaintance who had a considerable amount of experience with mining and prospecting in Arizona, so I collected a number of topographical maps and asked this person to identify good places on these maps where I might begin my search. One of the maps included the same area where we went camping and I just knew that this particular canyon near there was the place where the Lord wanted me to start my search. Also, It seemed like signals were coming at me from different places as well. When I looked at the newspaper, on the front page in bold type it said "GOLD" because of a large gold discovery near Phoenix. Then I opened the Bible randomly and turned to a passage that mentioned "gold and silver". Then I looked at a television and it was an old western about gold mining, it was mind-boggling. The second day of January, 1987 I made my move and 5 days later I filed that mining claim which I still own. Soon afterwards the Miracles began!
The next installment is part two!
Related articles
- The Holy Spirit Today and Spiritual Gifting (
- The Working of The Holy Spirit Today © 2009 D.D.B. (
- The Working of The Holy Spirit Today Part 1 © 2009 D.D.B. (
- The Working of The Holy Spirit Today © 2009 D.D.B. (

Gold and Silver,
Holy Spirit,
Mineral Wealth,
Our Purpose,
Prospecting for Mineral Wealth,
Spiritual Gifts,
Spiritual Warfare,
Supernatural World
Smuggling- Drug and Human- In Southern Arizona

There was a 10 year period from 1987 to 1997 when I had personal interactions with the illegals coming into our country. Some were involved in human smuggling and others were traveling in small groups and they did not bring their contraband into my camp so I am not sure what their primary purpose was. One who came alone into my camp did speak English and said that they were lost and needed directions. He was in charge of this group and was being paid for his services, I am sure of it. After I told him what his choices were I asked if they had a container to carry water because it was getting hot and their route had no water along the way that I was sending them. He indicated that they needed a container so I turned my back and started toward my 17 foot travel trailer to get it. Something felt wrong and I am sure now that it was The Holy Spirit warning me so I turned my head to look behind me and he was about to jump me from behind! When he saw that I had caught him in the act, he stopped and I continued into my trailer to get what I needed. Then I cautiously handed him the container. As he turned to go out to where he had left his companions, I said : "may God go with you". He then began cursing me in Spanish as he was walking away. I believe that one reason why he hesitated and did not follow through and jump me was that I was a little bigger than he was and he could also see that I was no wimp. I had been hiking the sides of the canyon for years while working very hard and carrying heavy loads up and down the sides of the canyon! This is just one instance of what might happen while I was at my camp area.
When I was away, while in town trying to find work, all too often they would come through and break-in and steal as mush as they could, to re-outfit themselves with as much as they could carry. It was tough because I would go back into the mountains with only enough gas, food and other supplies to last me a few days or longer and they would have stolen more than I had been able to obtain for myself. It was not easy being a Christian toward these criminals. After years of experience with this flow of illegals, I had pretty strong evidence that at least 80% were indeed criminals and would do whatever they needed to do to accomplish their goal. If they had not committed a crime before reaching their destination, it was because they did not have the opportunity to do so! I once out of desperation, asked a deputy : "what if I have to shoot one of them"? He said "bury him"! As a Christian, I could not do something that was illegal so I said : Wouldn't that be illegal"? Then he said "well, then you should report it". These are people who see first hand the kind of human trash that are coming across our southern border!
I was once approached by a hunter during deer season who warned me about the bear and lion in the area and said that I should have a gun. He said this because I mentioned that the homemade walking stick that I was using was my only protection. It was made from a straight oak sapling that I had come across and had a bit of a club end on the bottom. I replied that because of my experience up there, it was the "two-legged" predetors that I was concerned about, not the "four legged". I had been growled at by both bear and lion while hiking around the area of my mining claim and the local wildlife by then had become somewhat used to me being there. In fact, It had to a certain degree, become "my territory".
On another occasion, a retired deputy sheriff said that he was coming up to visit but I forgot and needed to make a trip into Tucson, Arizona. When he arrived at my camp he spotted an illegal alien trying to hide himself across the canyon. When he saw that he had been spotted he got up and ran while carrying an aluminum type suitcase which probably had cocaine or heroin in it because the marijuana is normally wrapped with plastic and then again with burlap having bailing wire wrapped around it to be able to carry it. It would also have a rag wrapped around the wire to keep the wire from digging into their hands.
One day, I saw a twin-engine airplane dive into the canyon and then pull-up using full power to climb over the ridge on the other side of the canyon. He had a helper who dumped a big bail of what must have been marijuana out of the plane, then he circled around and did it again! As it turned out, the second time was to spot where the bail had landed so that they could mark it on a map. Right after he did it the second time, a military green twin-engine plane flew over following the same route while trying to catch the first plane! It had something that looked like a torpedo under the bottom of the plane. I think that it was either a radar unit or type of jamming device to possibly cripple the first plane with a pulse of energy. It was dispatched from Fort Huachuaca in Sierra Vista, Arizona where they have a special army base used for a variety of things including training foreign military units. They have an "Aerostat Balloon"which is on a cable that they winch up and back down in bad weather. It is loaded with electronic gear including radar. That is how they spotted the first plane.
The next day a Big Hertz/Penske moving van type of rental truck drove by me while heading up the canyon. I could not believe my eyes. What on Earth was that big diesel truck doing so far up in the mountains, I thought to my self? About an hour later two young Mexicans came into my camp to ask for help. They said that the truck was ready to fall off of the road into the canyon so they needed a ride into town. I had no money or gas to get back so I said that I would help if they had gas money for me. They said that they had no money so they were on there own, I could not help them. While we were talking, one mentioned that they had a "map" when I heard that, I said "you have a map"? He immediately stopped talking at that point because it was the "smugglers map" that he had! That night at around 8pm a big Kenworth conventional type semi-tow-truck stopped by my camp and the driver walked a little further up the road and then turned around and left. It was from a big towing company in Tucson. (The tow truck in the photo is similar to the Kenworth that I mentioned) This was on a Monday. That company tried most of the week to get that rental truck turned around and on Thursday it came driving by, all scratched up from the tree branches. It was a new truck when it went by the first time! The next day just before sunset, a '75 Chevy pickup with two older Mexicans in it went up the canyon and just as it was getting dark they drove out of the canyon with a big bail covered with dark green plastic in the back of their truck. I took a hike up canyon about mid-week to have a look at the truck but I did not touch it. I thought that they might have had someone on the hill watching the situation. I was just a little curious.
These are just a sampling of the kinds of things that happen down by the southern border. Now things have gotten much worse since the National Guard built barriers to keep smugglers in smaller vehicles from cutting the ranchers fences and just driving across the border! The big drug cartels are at war with each other over these routes since they are hauling these loads on foot with human mule trains carrying 40 pound packs on their backs and with an AK-47 in the front and another assault rifle at the rear of the mule train. They have their own cooks, satellite telephones and all of the gear that they needed. They rest during the day and travel at night with their dope. They have totally trashed these forest trails with trash multiple feet deep in certain areas! I have been warned by the local ranchers who know me to not go into the mountains where my mining claim is alone, even armed. I would be seriously out gunned! This is organized crime which is involved in all aspects of smuggling along with the Mexican government!
Ladies and gentlemen, we are at war and losing the battle! Those in power in our government know very well what is going on but because of the politics, they are doing very little about it! The only thing that these cartels are AFRAID of is the U.S. Military and the politicians will not use the resources that we have to stop this INVASION. Yes we are being invaded and there is nothing that the citizens can do except just sit back and watch our country going down the drain! We can also pray which is what we all need to be doing for our politicions as well as for the safety of those who are trying to do their jobs on and near the southern border!
Related articles
- The Working of The Holy Spirit Today ( Part 2 ) © 2009 D.D.B. (
- Border Agents Fighting AK47′s with Bean Bags (

crimina invasion,
Drug Cartels,
Holy Spirit,
iIllegal drug trade,
iIllegal immigration,
Illegal Aliens,
Organized Crime
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